Why hyperfences?

Learn about our history and the reasons to trust us

HIPERVALLAS.com manufactures and distributes products for exterior decoration, and we are specialized in fencing systems, fences, gates and concealment. The objective is to distribute modular and simple systems so that the same client can carry out the assembly, but ensuring the quality of each product.

Why trust Hipvallas.com?

for ease

Our systems are always supplied ready to mount. We adjust the price and you do the assembly, so we get the best relationship between price and result.

by guarantee

For example, the PVC used in Dlimity fences is of the highest quality. That is why we can give a 10-year guarantee. We refuse to incorporate into our range products that are not satisfactory in quality or performance.

by range

We constantly incorporate fencing and separation systems to cover the maximum number of applications: terraces, swimming pools, hotels, events, restaurants, property separation, on walls, etc.

By service

HIPERVALLAS.com advises you at all times and studies your project so that when you receive it there are no surprises and you can assemble it without problems. We offer technical support before and during installation.

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